Joint Catholic Initiative On Natural Resources (JOCINAR)

We are a member of JOCINAR a network of different actors and organizations who have been engaged at different levels in the debate concerning the exploitation of limestones in the mining sites in Tapac Sub-County, Moroto district, Karamoja Sub-Region.Estabulished in May 2018, JOCINAR members have been coordinating the interventions of Church’s related actors and organizations concerning environmental and mining issues in Moroto Diocese, with a specific focus on communal land rights and empowerment of local communities in Tapac Sub-County.

Other than Resource Rights Africa, other members of JOCINAR are: Justice and Peace Department and Land Desk (Moroto Catholic Diocese), Uganda Episcopal Conference Secretariat, Tapac Catholic Mission, the Member of Parliament for Tepeth Constituency and representatives from the  Tepeth Community in Moroto  District  Council, Tapac  Sub-County Council, the Land Department of Tororo Catholic Diocese, and Justice and Peace Department (Kotido Catholic Diocese).