Community Action To Promote Good Governance Of Mineral Resources In Karamoja Sub-Region Project

OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVE: To increase coordinated civic engagement to improve transparency and accountability in the governance of mineral resources in Uganda.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: To empower citizens and local authorities to effectively monitor and participate in decision-making of mineral policies with a focus on human rights compliance in the districts of Kotido, Kaabong and Moroto in Karamoja sub-region.

TARGET GROUPS: The project targets to build capacity of 15,700 citizens (7,850 women, 7,850 men) selected from vulnerable groups: the Ik in Kaabong, Napore and Tepeth in Moroto and Kotido districts, Karamoja sub-region. The project will strengthen community structures by training 100 members of local civil society (30% female, 70% male); 12 traditional clan court / council of elders; 60 Human Rights Defenders; 30 media practitioners; 50 members of security agencies and mining companies; 100 Members of Parliament and 20 members of local authorities. TARGET GROUPS The project is expected to reach over 452,361 inhabitants of Moroto, Kaabong and Kotido districts who will benefit through puppet theatres, dialogue meetings, media engagements and changes in the wider environments.

INDIRECT BENEFICIARIES: The project is expected to reach over 452,361 inhabitants of Moroto, Kaabong and Kotido districts who will benefit through puppet theatres, dialogue meetings, media engagements and changes in the wider environments.


  • 15,700 members of ethnic minority groups are informed and demand equitable, transparent and accountable mineral governance in Karamoja sub-region.
  • Local stakeholders (Grass root CSOs, Council of Elders, FBOs and Local Authorities) increase their capacity to engage companies and Central Government officials on human rights violations emanating from mining activities.
  • Increased accountability through performing legal audits of relevant laws and policies and mapping of mining actors.

IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH: Through a three-fold approach of increasing awareness, strengthening capacity and creating spaces for engagement, RRA organizes puppet theatre, multi-stake holder dialogues, collection of information on human rights violations through the Rights Violation Incident Tracker, training of local leaders, CSOs, HRDs and opinion leaders, undertake legal audits on mineral laws and production, dissemination of IEC materials and media engagements.

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: January 2020-December 2022.