RRA focuses on identifying emerging land, resource and environmental trends and issues, and makes an analysis of associated impacts, challenges and opportunities. It is engaging government and other stakeholders on the enforcement of local and international commitments to natural resources and environmental management in order to protect the rights of indigenous communities and public interests. There is increased focus on land issues relating to the extractive industry in Uganda aimed to protect the rights of the communities living in oil and mineral rich areas.
RRA works to influence legal and policy processes towards a more equitable distribution of land access and ownership, and greater tenure security for the vulnerable groups. It is currently engaged in lobbying for law reforms to ensure that issues of women stand out in the laws and policies. It also seeks to influence central and local governments on principles of good governance in land administration and empower citizens to participate in decision making processes on land.
We mobilize frontline communities who are directly affected by the operations of corporate companies and state agencies to understand each stage of the value chain, the opportunities and challenges and how to address the emerging challenges. Emphasis is placed on developing and maintaining effective working relations with government, development partners and the private sector to advocate for sustainable resource and environment management at all levels, including recommending alternative policy or operational options to government.